Kuwaitiah Projects Group is a supplier company and a supreme stockist representative of a wide range of engineering products associated with major disciplines – Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, and Electronics. With many years of successfully serving our clients, we have earned a reputation for being a trusted and reliable source of A-Z Engineering materials, machines, equipment and spare parts, and other related products. We specialise in bringing to you leading brands of quality products from around the world. Our knowledge and keen observation of market trends and emerging product innovations enables us to address the unique challenges presented by the Construction, Oil/Gas, Telecommunication, Marine & Shipping, Energy and Manufacturing Industries, Commercial establishments, etc.
Our Team of dedicated and highly trained sales specialists will enable you to make informed, efficient and economical procurement decisions. In addition, we offer our clients the convenience of executing deliveries anywehre in the State of Kuwait and additionally, make arrangement for export of goods to clients from other countries, when the situation arises.
We pledge to remain committed to prove our customers with the best product, at the best price, in a timely manner for the right application.